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Programs : Brochure

This page is the brochure for your selected program. You can view the provided information for this program on this page and click on the available buttons for additional options.
  • Program Terms: Fall Semester, Spring Semester, Summer
Dates / Deadlines:
Dates / Deadlines:
Term Year App Deadline Decision Date Start Date End Date
Spring Semester 2025 15-Oct-2024 ** Rolling Admission TBA TBA
Summer 2025 15-Mar-2025 ** Rolling Admission TBA TBA
Fall Semester 2025 15-Apr-2025 ** Rolling Admission TBA TBA

** Indicates rolling admission application process. Applicants will be immediately notified of acceptance into this program and be able to complete post-decision materials prior to the term's application deadline.
Fact Sheet:
Fact Sheet:
Program Type: Scholarship
Program Description:
FIE Online - Britain & Ireland, Online Internship Scholarship
Eligible Programs: FIE Online Internship Programs (Spring, Summer, and Fall)
Award: Full Tuition Fee & Transcript

Become an FIExplore Influencer and document your online internship experience while gaining resumé-enhancing skills. We are looking for students who want to make a positive impact by sharing their online international experience with others.
FIExplore Influencers can be writers, photographers, videographers, or anyone with a creative flair for communication and desire to share their authentic experience. We are especially interested in showcasing the talents of identity groups who are underrepresented in study abroad, as we know seeing real examples of students like them helps encourage greater representation and access.

Application requirements:
  1. Submit a cover letter which responds to the following prompts:
    • Why are you interested in being an FIExplore Influencer?
    • Share examples of your current campus involvement which demonstrates your ability to take initiative and follow through on a task while balancing your academic and extracurricular responsibilities. 
    • Optional: If your identity overlaps with any groups which are underrepresented in study abroad, please share details of how you might use this platform to encourage others from underrepresented groups to participate in study abroad. Identity examples include (but are not limited to): race, ethnicity, nationality, socio-economic status, linguistic background, gender, gender identity, age, religion, sexual orientation, veterans and ability/disability. 
    • Financial need: Describe how FIE’s funding will help you reach your study abroad goals. 
  2. A recommendation letter from a professor or academic advisor (this can be the same one used for the FIE program application).
  3. Your portfolio: links to as many of the following as you have:
    1. your Instagram account
    2. your personal blog (e.g. a blogging site) or vlog (e.g. YouTube)
    3. photography example (e.g. Instagram post, Google photos account, personal website)
  4. Describe the category of content you are interested in creating. For example: blog writing, vlog or TikTok video, Instagram post, Instagram story takeover…
  5. Create a content sample for one of the following prompts. Use the same category of content you are applying to produce (for example, if you would like to write blogs then write a blog, if you would like to create videos then create a video).
    1. Why a junior in high school should choose to apply to your college. Include highlights of your college experience to support your recommendation.
    2. Tips for how to be a Global Citizen or engage with different cultures even if you’re at home and can’t travel.
Submit the link to your content sample.

During the term:
By accepting the scholarship, you are committing to produce content for at least five points in your study abroad experience. These might include:
  • Why I decided to do an online internship
  • Balancing my internship with other academic courses or responsibilities
  • My internship
  • My internship’s impact on my future professional goals
  • Final thoughts and reflection/What I learned/Why you should do an FIE online internship
You will be connected with a member of FIE’s marketing team who will work with you to define the deadlines and brainstorm topics and formats for your content. These could include posting to FIE’s Instagram account, an Instagram story takeover, writing on FIE’s blog or filming a video or testimonial.
Please contact  if you have any questions.